The Government requires that each school has a management team; a governing body. This team is made up of the various stakeholders that the school serves - parents, local authority, staff, and community. Governors are either elected or appointed, e.g. Parent Governors are elected from the parent body; the Local Authority (LA) appoints LA Governors, and the governing body appoints Co-Opted Governors.
The Governors at The Grange Infant School are a group of committed people who support the school not only through their attendance at meetings and visits whilst the school is in session, but also at celebratory, social, cultural and sporting events.
The governing body works in partnership with the headteacher, staff, parents and the LA to raise standards of achievement, establishing high expectations and promoting effective teaching and learning in the school so that all pupils achieve their potential.
Other responsibilities include:
The day to day management of the school is the responsibility of the Headteacher, who is also a member of the Governing Body.