
The Grange Community Infant School

I play, I learn, I belong

SEND Information Report


The Children and Families Bill (2013) outlines the government's plans to require local authorities to publish information on services and provision across education, health and social care for children and young people aged 0 - 25 with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). The purpose of a local offer is to enable parents and carers to see more clearly what services are available for children with SEND in their area and how to access them.


Since 2014, schools have been required to publish information about services they provide for children with disabilities and Special Educational Needs. The intention is to offer choice and transparency for families. This is called the ‘local offer’


Special Educational Needs

At The Grange we believe that every child has the right to a broad and balanced education. Our ethos is such that we provide a happy and caring school where all children can feel safe and secure. Special arrangements for children with SEND will be organised so that our resources can best meet individual need. The school will work in partnership with parents and outside agencies. 
