PE at The Grange
The inter-house system at The Grange provides the children with competitive opportunities in school. When the children first join us in Early Years they are split into 9 teams and each team is led by a class teacher.
Every half term the children take part in a PE challenge day where they are able to compete to earn tokens for their team. The activities provided encourage the children to compete against their peers and also to improve their own scores from the beginning to the end of the session.
The children are also able to earn tokens individually in PE lessons and during after school and lunchtime clubs e.g. multi-skills, football. During our Celebration Assembly on Fridays the children are given the opportunity to show any awards, medals, certificates and trophies that they have been awarded outside of school and are given a token for their achievements.
Tokens are also rewarded to those who are seen to be displaying our school values in PE lessons. These are:
Teamwork Respect Resilience Excellence Community