
The Grange Community Infant School

I play, I learn, I belong


Friends of Grange School

Welcome to....          

Who are we?

FRoGS is a Parent Teacher Association charity. Its members are all the parents with children at The Grange and all school staff. The charity is run by an elected group of trustees appointed annually. The trustees and other appointed volunteers form the Committee and organise events throughout the school year.


The charity has two key aims:

1. To raise funds for the school so that the school can invest in learning equipment, resources, activities and experiences that it feels would enrich the education of its pupils.

2. To build relationships and foster confections between parents, the school and the wider community.


Our biggest fundraising events are the Summer and Christmas fair and Quiz nights.  Please see the school calendar for our event dates.


All our events are bookable online click here


You can get in touch with us at 


The work that FRoGS does would not be possible without the generosity of volunteers time and all the families who take part in our events. So a big THANK YOU to everyone.

If you would like to get involved in supporting FRoGS or want to find out more about who we are then please come to one of our meetings.


If you’re a business and want to support FRoGS please contact our Donations Team at 


We have a Social Media page on Facebook where we also provide updates and advertise our events' sponsors.

Facebook page: Grange Parents



All these events and services could not happen without the support of the staff and parents who by working together help to provide an improved environment for our children.


Help is always needed - as much or as little as you can spare.  Remember FRoGS is all the parents not just one or two.  To contact a committee member  send a note addressed to FRoGS via your child's book bag.
