
The Grange Community Infant School

I play, I learn, I belong

Parents' Information (Term Dates and School Day

The Grange Community Infant School -Term Dates 2024 - 2025

The Grange Community Infant School - Term Dates 2025 - 2026

Parent Handbook 2023-2024

School day

At The Grange Community Infant School the class doors opens at 8:35 and the day begins at 8.45am for all children. 

It is important to get your child to school on time so that they can begin their learning day with the rest of the class.

Children in KS1 have a 15 minute mid-morning break and then return to their classes until lunchtime.

Reception children break for lunch at 12.00 noon

Key Stage 1 children break for lunch at 12.15pm.

The afternoon session begins again at 1.00pm for Reception children and 1:15pm for KS1 children.

The school day finishes at 3.15pm.

Our children are in school for 32 hours and 30 minutes a week, not including wrap around care. 

We offer a breakfast club from 7:45am and afterschool club until 6:00pm (contact the school for more details)


School Dinners

School dinners are  provided free of charge to all infant age children under the Universal Free School Meal Scheme.  At our school the children are offered a wonderful variety of school meals, cooked and served by our friendly and enthusiastic kitchen staff.  The school are currently following the 'Autumn/Winter Term Menu'.  Please follow the link below and select either of the two menus mentioned previously.  Some daily changes may occur due to deliveries.  Parents have been given a choice of meals, please make sure you have selected your child's choice.  If your child is not having a meal on any day, you will need to choose 'packed lunch brought from home'.



School Uniform

Available from School Uniform Direct in West Byfleet. The shop is closed on Thursday and Friday. It is not necessary that the school logo is on school clothing. Yellow t-shirts, green cardigans and green sweatshirts  can be plain and bought from other suppliers. White t-shirts for PE can also be plain.
